Developers can use our REST API for getting boat data on demand and WebHooks for integrating events into their application. Build a next generation booking platform, P2P rental service, smart maintenance service or simply integrate with existing enterprise systems to help improve the speed and accuracy of data collection for your operations.
Our Client API is available to 3rd party developers for buding applications on top of Sentinel Platform.
The successful implementation of a telematics system relies heavily on identifying a solution offering customizations and API integrations that will work together to create the best fit for a business’s unique needs and goals.
Sentinel's patent pending technology allows 3rd party developers to access boat's data and offer customer services directly from a Sentinel mobile app. Developers can build simple micro-services and integrate them into the Sentinel app for immersive user experience. Sentinel Platform takes care of Consent Management and provides WebHooks for integrating events into your application. Test and deploy your innovative connected boat service idea by reaching out to the biggest recreational boating customer base available.